-------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSTRICH version 21.05.12 (Built May 12 2021 @ 17:47:21) A computer program for model-independent calibration and optimization. Author L. Shawn Matott Copyright (C) 2007 L. Shawn Matott This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or(at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ostrich Setup Model : ./ostrich-runs-raven.sh > OstExeOut.txt 2>&1 Algorithm : Dynamically Dimensioned Search Algorithm (DDS) Objective Function : GCOP Number of Parameters : 6 Number of Tied Params : 2 Number of Observations : 0 Seed for Random Nums. : 0 Number of Resp. Vars : 1 Number of Tied Resp. Vars : 1 Number of Constraints : 0 Penalty Method : Additive Penalty Method (APM) Ostrich Run Record trial best fitness par_x1 par_x2 par_x3 par_x4 par_x5 par_x6 trials remaining 1 3.979190E-01 9.183133E-01 -2.164977E+00 6.670385E+02 6.413365E+00 1.943564E+01 7.172969E-01 9.000000E+00 2 3.138120E-01 3.625904E-01 1.742219E-01 2.124739E+01 1.700207E+00 4.979716E+00 8.041768E-01 8.000000E+00 3 1.733400E-01 4.001309E-01 -4.976390E+00 9.955541E+01 7.616616E-01 2.996881E+01 2.182569E-01 7.000000E+00 5 -3.293850E-01 1.239022E+00 9.319376E+00 2.118366E+02 5.399504E+00 1.627560E+01 7.699138E-01 5.000000E+00 8 -3.348600E-01 1.239022E+00 7.843634E+00 2.118366E+02 5.399504E+00 1.627560E+01 7.699138E-01 2.000000E+00 10 -3.348600E-01 1.239022E+00 7.843634E+00 2.118366E+02 5.399504E+00 1.627560E+01 7.699138E-01 0.000000E+00 Optimal Parameter Set Objective Function : -3.348600E-01 par_x1 : 1.239022E+00 par_x2 : 7.843634E+00 par_x3 : 2.118366E+02 par_x4 : 5.399504E+00 par_x5 : 1.627560E+01 par_x6 : 7.699138E-01 par_half_x1 : 6.195108E+02 par_1_minus_x6 : 2.300862E-01 Summary of Constraints Algorithm Metrics Algorithm : Dynamically-Dimensioned Search Algorithm (DDS) Desired Convergence Val : N/A Actual Convergence Val : N/A Max Generations : 10 Actual Generations : 10 Peterbation Value : 0.200000 Total Evals : 11 Telescoping Strategy : none Algorithm successfully converged on a solution, however more runs may be needed